Dispatches from the front: Welcome to the Trench Crusade

I was going to begin this post by saying “I don’t really remember how I stumbled across Trench Crusade” but after dredging my memory for a week or so, that’s no longer true. Back at the tail end of 2022 I discovered the work of the sculptor James Sherriff (@brass0_0monkey on Instagram, go give him a follow) and purchased a pack of Power Armoured Female Warriors from him. Included in the parcel with these minis when they arrived was a wee card promoting the Tank Hunter Communicant Kickstarter which was for a collection of models sculpted by James which are based on artwork by Mike Franchina. The kickstarter had completely passed me by, but luckily for the tardy folks like me not only had it been fully funded, but they were accepting late backers as well, so I added a pledge for the minis I fancied and thought little more of it other than looking forward to painting up some cool minis when they arrived.

A few months later, through a backer update on the pledge manager it was announced that a Trench Crusade game was in development and renowned writer Tuomas Pirinen (Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6th Edition and Mordheim) was at the helm. Alongside this, a wider range of miniatures has been designed and will initially be released through kickstarter (though the game is miniatures agnostic by design) and best of all (from my perspective anyway) focuses on skirmish-sized battles and will include mechanics for narrative based campaigns. 

The setting for the game is as unique as the miniatures, with it taking place at the dawn of an alternative twentieth century in a world that has taken a very different path to our own:


"During the Crusades a heretical band of knights Templar unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth, igniting a conflagration that has changed the fate of nations and empires alike.

More than eight centuries later, the merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on. With casualties in the millions, both sides became increasingly desperate to find the advantage that would turn the tide in their favour.

 Technological advancements and arcane sciences have been embraced with equal fervour, yielding weapons and warriors of fearsome potency.  And yet, ultimate victory remains elusive for the foes are evenly matched and the conflict has ground to a bitter and intractable stalemate.

It is now the year of Our Lord 1914. Welcome to the Trench Crusades." 


 With a fully fleshed out roster of factions coming through the main miniatures release, the design team decided to make the models released through the Tank Hunter Communicant kickstarter 'Mercenaries' that can be optionally added to a player's warband. The initial batch are limited to one faction, but this hints at there being more 'faction specific' mercenary fighters to come in the main release - both of which seem pretty smart to me as it means the initial kickstarter minis aren't 'mandatory' to the game but they can also be used by those who picked them up if they want to.

As each of the sculpts in this initial batch were unique, it gave me an opportunity to approach each one slightly differently, leaning into certain aspects of the design of the miniature, the background of the game and the concept art by Mike Franchina for inspiration. I must also shout out Bruno Albuquerque and Forgotten Chapters  without whom I couldn't have finished off one of the minis. Over the rest of this post I'll share some closer up pics of each of the models, as well as a bit of the background of each one.

"...'What is it like to know all of creation you ask?' Despite all that I hear, I have not the words to tell you..."
Giorsail, of the Temple of the Word, of the Synod of Strategic Prophecy

Warrior monks with the capability to percieve the past, present and future simultaneously, the Observers make fearsome opponents. This mini is my absolute favourite of all of these initial sculpts and was a real joy to paint up.

Modified through expensive alchemical processes to make them more powerful at the cost of their humanity, Communicants are as dangerous from afar as they are in the swirl of melee thanks to the monstrous anti-materiel rifles they wield. 'Àdhamh' and 'Eubh' were produced by the fleshwrights of Alba.

"Some believe there are varying degrees of guilt. Those who have seen the true nature of the damned know we can afford no such luxury..."

The field officers of the Inquisition, the sinister Witchburners are tasked with hunting down and punishing witches, warlocks and heretics that cannot be brought to justice by conventional means.

"May His hand guide thy aim and His wrath strike swift and true"

Commonly heard benediction of the Mendalist Order

A sub-sect of the Mendelist Order, The Brotherhood of Blessed Munitions have the sacred duty of ensuring that the faithful have access to the various types of specialist ammunition which are empowered with the chemically altered blood of a Meta-Christ.

"...I shalt use my power to help the faithful to the best of my ability and judgement;
And shalt abstain from harming or wronging any man by it;
Yet to those whom art to damnation pledged;
Shall I grant only death;..."

Modified Hippoccratic Oath sworn by the Combat Medics of Order of St Cosmas

Members of a highly trained elite medical corps, specialising in battlefield first aid and surgeries on the front lines these combat medics are as committed to helping wounded soldiers of the Faith as they are to ending the lives of heretics and sinners.

"...Give me the grace and courage to step forward in faith and hope on the road ahead."
Excerpt from a common pilgrim's prayer

Though unsanctioned by the Church, they come in innumerable masses; the mad and the maimed, the Godtouched and the guilt-ridden – gathering around prophets and preachers to, form Trench Pilgrim Processions. Though often little better than a disorganised rabble, these men and women fight with unmatched zeal, making them ideal fodder for the meat grinder of the Great War.

If I've whet your appetite and you'd like to find out more about Trench Crusade, check out the link below for the main website where you can find a Lore Primer and the latest version of the playtest rules.

As for me, while I've been granted a leave pass to head back towards civilisation for some R&R, I'll be heading back into the trenches in the not to distant future as I'm planning to pick up some of the New Antioch minis from the forthcoming Kickstarter when it launches at the end of October, which I'll be sure to share when I can.

Until next time though, as ever, thanks for reading and happy hobbying!

